Monday, September 26, 2022

Principles of American Government

Hi Everyone!

I have just uploaded my first American Government video on the Principles of Government. You can find it on my YouTube Channel, Fair And Balanced Social Studies.  I have also uploaded Extension Questions that include Primary Resource material in the source of Federalist No. 51. I hope you take the time to thoughtfully answer the questions so you, to, can learn more American Government.

Here is the link to my American Government Google Drive.

Enjoy and have a Great Day!

Ms. Kim

Friday, September 23, 2022

New World Beginnings: Part One


I have uploaded my new video on the first part of American History, the beginnings to 1769.  I decided to break this section into two parts, as there is a lot of information packed into this section.  I have also uploaded an Extension activity to the American History folder in my Google Drive.  I have provided the Link to that folder here.  Happy learning, and please feel free to leave me a comment to let me know what you think!

Ms. Kim

American History Google Drive 

YouTube Channel

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

World History Lesson One

Hello everyone!  I have just uploaded a new video with content.  My first lecture is on World Prehistory, and I have a Supplemental Question sheet for you to extend and deepen your knowledge.  I will link you to my Google Drive so you will be able to access the work.

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed making it!

Ms. Kim

World History Google Drive

YouTube Channel 

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

What Is World History?


If you have made it here, you have watched your first lesson and are interested in learning more.  As promised, I have a few extension activities for you to expand your knowledge.  You can feel free to download and print the resources, as I have already paid to acquire them.

I have created a Google Drive Folder with all the supplemental information for the class, and I will link it each time I post, so you will always be able to access any of the information.

World History Assignments

YouTube Channel

Please feel free to avail yourselves of the resources I've made available.

Additionally, I mentioned the text I will be using and a book that my professor wrote.  Here are the links to them if you wish to check them out or purchase them.

What Causes War By Greg Cashman

McGraw-Hill World History and Geography

Hope you enjoy, and Happy Learning!

Ms. Kim

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Welcome To My Blog!

 Welcome to my Blog, Fair and Balanced Social Studies.  This blog will be an accompaniment to a YouTube series of the same name, where weekly I will teach an in-depth lesson on a topic in World History, American History, and US Government.  Each video will strive to be less than an hour, so it can be used in a classroom, in homeschooling, or if you want to know more about a particular topic in those three disciplines.  I will also post a link back to this blog in the description of each video and have a corresponding blog post that will have links to appropriate websites, printable activities, and recommended books if you want to expand your knowledge of the subject.  My goal is to answer the basic questions of a topic without injecting a narrative, without being woke, and without creating bias.  History can't be revised, but it does need to be taught and we need to look at events and synthesize and evaluate them and draw our own conclusions in a judgment-free way, and not attempt to apply our 21st century morality to individuals who lived 50, 60, or 100 years or more ago. 

I hope you will join me on this journey we will be taking together, and that you will use the resources I provide for you to improve your learning, and, if you use my videos and resources for your classes, improve the learning of your students. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment either on the video links, or under the blog post for the video you have a suggestion for. 

Thanks for reading!  

Ms. Kim

Principles of American Government

Hi Everyone! I have just uploaded my first American Government video on the Principles of Government. You can find it on my YouTube Channel,...